Community Service Projects
Community Service

Service Above Self is Rotary's principal motto, which means that every Rotarian in our club is responsible for finding ways to improve our community and in those around the world through service. Here are some of our community service projects:
Lids for Kids: We provide bicycle safety education and bicycle helmets to students in 1st grade in East Moline, Silvis, Hampton, and Carbon Cliff.
Coats for Kids: We provide new coats for students in need of a warm coat for the winter in East Moline, Silvis, Hampton, and Carbon Cliff schools. Scholarships: We award educational scholarships for students to continue their education after High School. Community: Salvation Army: We help raise funds for the Salvation Army by ringing the bell in area stores.
WQPT: We particpate in the Rotary Challenge at WQPT to raise funds for Public Television.
John Deere Classic: We marshall for the John Deere Classic.